subter 67“Coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.” – Albert Einstein

Two rays of light strike a surface at the same point, at the same time. Your high school English teacher who you just thought of for the first time in years sits next to you on a plane. The one-night stand you brought home turns out to be the good friend of your ex, who is crashing on your couch. Your manuscript gets picked up by a major publisher seconds after you’ve tossed it in the trash. Some of us call it accidental, while some of us search for meaning… Is it fate? An accident? A conspiracy? Or just … a coincidence?

subTerrain magazine has just extended the deadline for submissions for issue 67, “Coincidence,” to February 7, 2014. So if you just happen to have some original fiction, non-fiction, poetry etc., send it right away. Mark the envelope “Coincidence” and send it to:

subTerrain Magazine
P.O. Box 3008, MPO
Vancouver, BC V6B 3X5

More information, right this way: